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UBC launches Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Fund to further Strategic Plan

By Next year, the Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Fund will begin allocating money to projects that further the implementation of the Indigenous Strategic Plan. Up to $4 million will be allocated across UBC’s two campuses in 2022. UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan (ISP) officially launched last fall — this fund is intended to advance the ISP’s 43 […]

Weaving Our Plans Together: USI and the ISP

By The UBC Indigenous Strategic Plan (ISP) is a critical step in redressing the legacy of colonialism and the shameful history of residential schools that haunts UBC, BC, and all of Canada. At the UBC Sustainability Initiative (USI), being one of the first to take the ISP Self-Assessment Tool offered us a hopeful way to […]

UBC iSchool works through the ISP Self-Assessment Tool

By The following article covers the iSchool’s process of working through the ISP Self-Assessment Tool, including the impacts it has had at the School and the lessons they have drawn from it. What ISP Actions did your unit choose to undertake? We are early in the process. Specifically, we are still working on the self-assessment, […]